Ever since I got back from Japan, I’ve been busy taking pictures for a Swissbanking publication – portraits of an astrophysicist, a wine maker (in my hometown), a climate researcher (in pouring rain), a printer, a journalist, a ship captain on Lake Lucerne and a train conductor. Meeting all these people and spending time with them was incredibly interesting and I’m amazed at how wonderful and helpful everyone’s been. – I left the shoot at the printers’ around midnight with a freshly printed copy of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung in hand – as some of you might know, I’m a huge NZZ fan and so seeing where the paper is printed was extremely awesome for me. The funny thing was that the printer I photographed totally didn’t share my love for the NZZ at all. He said that the articles are too complicated and that the NZZ people are too snobby when it comes to printing. “When I used to work at the Blick printing factory, we weren’t allowed to dump any copies, only the ones that were too messed up to read. With NZZ, they dump about 3000-5000 copies every night because they’re not satisfied with the printing quality.” This statement makes me consider subscribing to an iPad version of the NZZ. Meeting a climate researcher and talking to him about climate change of course supported that decision as well.
In any case, I’ve been busy and will post these portraits as soon as the book is out.
I’m also currently working on the Swiss Re annual report – I’ve already shot one portrait for them in Tokyo – and I’m looking forward to more sessions in and around Zurich. And soon I’ll be off to Arizona and California for another travel assignment with Miss Rigutto.