
I’ve recently hit a bit of a blogging low. I don’t know what to post, I find the content lame, I think no one reads my blog anyway, so why pursue it?

Pondering this, I started reading some blogging advice blogs.

Then I got side-tracked for a couple of weeks and found awareness/mindfulness/simplicity/time management blogs. But that’s a road you don’t want to go down, because everytime you go off the internet, you think you should be more aware, serene, mindful (what does that even mean?), managing your job better etc., which is simply impossible. Not to mention, obviously there is something wrong with you, as you have nothing better to do than perusing these websites, wasting precious hours away. As a result, you end up feeling like a total loser, all the time.

But back to the blogging advice blogs. They said: You need to connect with your audience. But who is my audience, apart from my mom who checks my blog more often than I do? (Hi, Silla! You are awesome.) I honestly don’t know. So, who are the people who read this site? Please comment, or email me. Let me know what you like on here, and what you would like to read more about.

For your effort, you will be rewarded: I’ll send out a copy of Army Of One (signed by the author and with a dedication – this would make a great Christmas gift, just saying) to three people picked by the quality of their comment. Thank you! And now I’m back to wondering what I could blog about next…

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9 Responses to Give-Away!

  1. Holger says:

    Also ich schau regelmässig rein. Erstens mag ich Deine Arbeit, Deine Herangehenweise und Deinen Blick. Zweitens und generell könnte man ja niemals mit allen, die einen interessieren persönlich Kontakt halten, dazu fehlt einfach die Zeit, drum sind Blogs und Facebook halt super. Olé Olé! :)


  2. Dieter says:

    I read it! It’s actually one of the few blogs I visit regularly ;-). It’s always cool to see some behind the scenes/holiday/friends shots. Also I just read your post including the film anecdote about The Help. I saw it too, maybe I’m going to read the book as well. Keep it up!

  3. Michael says:

    Hey, I’m reading your blog!
    I think you’re blogging is pretty cool. Funny writing also.
    We all want more of those InTouch/Gala kind of pics, you know, famous & naked people.

    Now send me that book.

  4. elisabethreal says:

    Hello boys,
    Thank you so much! Let’s wait a little bit and see if anyone else feels like writing. But based on your comments, you all totally deserve a book (Michi, don’t you have, like, twenty copies already?)! ;-)

  5. Silla says:

    also, da ich schon persönlich erwähnt werde(danke für die Blumen

  6. Silla says:

    ………… hier mein Kommentar: hör ja nicht auf mit deiner wunderbaren Mischung aus Persönlich und Business auf. Ich will auch gar kein Buch, aber weiterhin deine unsäglich künstlerischen Filmlein, hinter deren Sinn ich nie und nimmer kommen werde (gibts einen?)

  7. Claude says:


    I come here for:

    * the pics
    * the updates on your exciting whereabouts
    * the occasional self-pity-themed post

  8. Michelle M. says:

    I still love your blog – it’s a way for me to keep up with you since we live so far apart. It’s on my reader so I can live vicariously through your beautiful photos and world travels. Miss you and come back to Chicago!

  9. elisabethreal says:

    Meine Lieben

    Vielen Dank für all Eure Kommentare!

    Nun habe ich ganz parteiisch ausgelost, wer je ein Exemplar bekommt. Es sind dies Dieter, Holger und Nadja (die mir auf Facebook geschrieben hat).
    Ich werde Euch die Bücher zuschicken bzw. vorbei bringen.

    Herzliche Grüsse und vielen Dank nochmals für Eure Nachrichten!