Transitioning back into my Zurich life after two months on the road is… kind of boring, but also relaxing.
I started my trip in New York City in February, where I met with photo editors and showed them my work. Then I went to see veteran Levi Rollings and his family in Indiana for my book project Army of One. Six American Veterans After Iraq and from there I traveled via Detroit to Minnesota, in search of my brother-in-law Timmy who’s currently missing in action. I interviewed his ex-wife and his mom instead, and hung with the kids.
I drove down to Chicago and took the “City of New Orleans” train all the way down south, to see my good friend Andreas from Green Light New Orleans. The two of us worked on a brochure for his NGO, I photographed college kids volunteering, scootered all around the city, ate at Boucherie, visited a swamp and wore shorts everyday. Southern comfort, baby!
Next on my list was San Antonio TX, where I went to see Luis Tristan, another veteran who’s part of my project. Afterwards I drove to Phoenix AZ for the last one of my follow-up stories, on Tom Edwards. Both guys are not doing too well, their PTSD has gotten worse as compared to four years ago, which saddened me tremendously.
I went back to New Orleans where I met two other veterans at the VA hospital, Jamie and Jasen. They ended up homeless not too long ago and after an impromptu backyard interview, I decided to include their story in the book.
Another very looooong train ride later (“Crescent, Pride Of The Southern Division”), I ended up in Washington DC, visited a good friend of mine and the Arlington National Veterans Cemetery…and flew back home to Switzerland.
I’m currently editing both texts and photos—it’s very quiet, intense work that makes me happy…occasionally I stumble upon a shot taken through the train window or in a motel room somewhere which makes me miss my traveling life very much!