Venezia, Part 3







Venezia, Part 2

Venezia, Part 1

Sunday Morning


Image by Parker Fitzgerald via Kinfolk

On The Way To Venice

We went to Venice! It was raining constantly! Also, we saw an ambulance and a police boat blasting by with full sirens! We also saw a farmers market stand that was a boat. Everything there is a boat! – We had lots of good espresso and chocolate brioches and ate about three pizzas a day with our shoes constantly soaked. It was great.


A sun-lit breakfast table in the NZZ Stil-Magazin, December 2013 (left corner below), for a special issue about beauty.

I took this picture at Locanda San Vigilio (ahhh – it was so nice!). Seriously, what is more beautiful than enjoying a strong Italian morning coffee with your sweetheart while the sun shines and you’re on vacation? I’d be hard pressed to come up with anything! (Granted, whales are pretty awesome, too.)


Sunday Morning


Café Florian, Venice, January 18, 2014



















Blogs I Keep Going Back To

Here’s part two of my favorite blogs list! Enjoy!

Be More With Less. Courtney Carver is one serious minimalist, and I am an aspiring one. Needless to say, I am smitten with her blog Be More With Less (what a great title, by the way). Her posts always serve as a nice reminder to not stress out about everyday sh*it and take a step back. I haven’t been following Be More With Less for very long, but I’ve already implemented some changes into my daily routine.

1.) I try to go out for lunch, which is great to break a long office day in half, and see a movie at a theatre at least once a week (which is so much better visually and more inspiring artistically than streaming a crappy version on my laptop at home).

2.) I don’t check emails on my iPhone anymore when I go out, or during shoots. I try and confine emailing to the office. I don’t want to sit on the train or the tram looking at my screen, or worse even, while I’m out with friends. People don’t die if I don’t reply to their emails instantly. (<— This is a fact I have to remind myself constantly of.)

3.) If there’s some thing in my office or my house that I don’t need, or haven’t touched in a year, I get rid of it. I rarely buy things anyway, but they still seem to accumulate.

PS. I love what Courtney has to say about advertising on blogs. So true!

My Four-Eyed Fantasy. Unfortunately, Emily Shur no longer blogs on My Four Eyed Fantasy. I don’t know any female photographers of Emily’s caliber who blog regularly, and her posts, even if they’re now a little outdated, are soooo interesting to me. It’s not just superficial self-promoting “I-shot-this” and “Check-out-this-tear-sheet,” but seriously reflected, intelligent articles about the industry, and what it’s like to be a freelance photographer while also working on personal projects occasionally. I’m sad that this blog is discontinued, but I know how much time it takes to maintain a blog, so of course I understand. Here’s a really interesting interview with Emily on

Piewacket. Last but not least, photographer Lara Rossignol’s Piewacket is a blog that I’ve been following for what seems to me like forever. Stefanie and I actually met Lara for an article when we were in L.A. last April. It was weird and exciting to step into her living room and her office that I’ve seen online.

Lara has a great tone when she writes, she always sounds really sure of herself without coming off as arrogant. I especially love her advice in general, and on the business of photography.

PS. I just found Emily Shur’s tumblr site, and it’s really cool too.

On The Way – In Istanbul