
Collaboration with Resort, 2013

Sunday Morning

Zurich Look Books

Zuerich Tourismus, 24. September 2013

Zuerich Tourismus, 24. September 2013

Zuerich Tourismus, 24. September 2013

As we’re in the middle of production for the upcoming Zurich Insurance annual report, I’m very happy to present the Zurich Look Books I made with last year’s shoots in the Americas, Bangladesh, London and Switzerland. You can view them online on my Issuu profile.


I’ve recently hit a bit of a blogging low. I don’t know what to post, I find the content lame, I think no one reads my blog anyway, so why pursue it?

Pondering this, I started reading some blogging advice blogs.

Then I got side-tracked for a couple of weeks and found awareness/mindfulness/simplicity/time management blogs. But that’s a road you don’t want to go down, because everytime you go off the internet, you think you should be more aware, serene, mindful (what does that even mean?), managing your job better etc., which is simply impossible. Not to mention, obviously there is something wrong with you, as you have nothing better to do than perusing these websites, wasting precious hours away. As a result, you end up feeling like a total loser, all the time.

But back to the blogging advice blogs. They said: You need to connect with your audience. But who is my audience, apart from my mom who checks my blog more often than I do? (Hi, Silla! You are awesome.) I honestly don’t know. So, who are the people who read this site? Please comment, or email me. Let me know what you like on here, and what you would like to read more about.

For your effort, you will be rewarded: I’ll send out a copy of Army Of One (signed by the author and with a dedication – this would make a great Christmas gift, just saying) to three people picked by the quality of their comment. Thank you! And now I’m back to wondering what I could blog about next…

Follow me on Pinterest!


Click on the photo above to view my boards on Pinterest. (I’ve been quite obsessed with it lately.) I have some of my own photos on there but also inspirational portraits and nice things like book covers, illustrations and old photographs, etc.

Hard At Work In Hong Kong




Photos by Helen Lam, Eminent Production, Hong Kong, November 17, 2013

In Hong Kong

Baciami e portarmi a mangiare!

My good friend (and excellent journalist) Stefanie Rigutto (along with Luisa Iacono) recently started a Zurich food tour! I attended the first one and snapped some pictures for the signore.









Roundup And Outlook

Here’s a list of some things that have happened or will happen!

– Five photos and one letter from “Army Of One” are shown in a group photo exhibit in Uster called “Augenblick,” it’s still open until November 10th, and there will be a little presentation on November 6th, starting at 8 p.m. Don’t miss it! Photos of the exhibit and the gorgeous opening buffet taken by Chiho Bangert.

– I will shoot parts of the Swisscom business review! Starting next week.

– And also the Zurich annual report, in Hong Kong, Istanbul and some other places. I am so excited and looking forward to working with a great team again.

– I just finished retouching for the upcoming Pictet Report, featuring photos I shot at Hotel Suvretta House and Actelion.

– For Schweizer Familie, I photographed former ice-skating world champion Denise Biellmann, and Olympic rower Mario Gyr.

– Soon, all the photos that are currently archived with my agency KEYSTONE will also be available in Germany through laif and in the U.S. through Redux Pictures.

– I recently read The Help by Kathryn Stockett, after I’ve already watched the movie twice (and cried my eyes out both times). Now, the novel is a lot more multi-layered and complex than the movie, and explains much more in detail how Skeeter, the heroine, secretly writes a book about African American maids in Jackson, Mississippi, in the 1960ies, all the while being mentored by a rather mysterious editor lady from New York City. The editor sends Skeeter letters with advice. One brilliant piece of advice she gives her is: Don’t waste your time on the obvious things. Write about what disturbs you, particularly if it bothers no one else.

Holy shit.

Yes ma’am!

Taking this to heart, I will travel to Johannesburg early next year to work on my new project about lesbians and corrective rape. Here’s the story Stefanie and I did for annabelle in January 2012.

Assignment For L’Echo

Portrait for Belgian newspaper L’Echo (their weekend edition) of Christian Arnsperger, German economist, shot in Olten on October 18, 2013.