I’ve been so very fortunate to do an assignment for COLORS magazine in South Africa. I’ve been reading COLORS since 1999, when I discovered the Hutu/Tutsi issue. I’m a FAN – all capital letters – and I’d never imagined that I’d be one day shooting for them.
For their most recent issue about football, I photographed the Chosen Few all lesbian soccer team. I had met two of its members, Thuli and Tumi, two years earlier when I was working on a story on corrective rape in Johannesburg, and I went to see them again for a personal project this spring.
It was so great to meet the players and spend time with them – these women are so brave and impressive! Lesbians in South Africa endure a lot of hardship and violence; it’s not easy to be out and proud. To find out more about the team, you can read the article here.